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Californium Engineering provides a variety of services for the development and upgrade of water and wastewater systems. Our experience ranges from feasibility studies to new facility construction to rate structure analysis for water supply, treatment, storage and distribution, as well as wastewater conveyance and treatment. We understand the issues associated with the demand for safe drinking water and the safeguarding of ground and surface waters. Our engineers and scientists deliver interdisciplinary solutions to meet a wide range of client needs. Services include:
♣ Alignment studies
♣ Modeling
♣ Condition assessments/audit
♣ SSES investigations
♣ Inflow/infiltration analysis
♣ SSO/CSO evaluation/elimination
♣ Water quality and supply studies
♣ Sewershed studies
♣ Subsurface disposal systems
♣ Financial proforma
♣ Hydrogeological studies
♣ Booster and pump station design
♣ Subsurface utility engineering
♣ Transmission, collection and conveyance design
♣ Sludge treatment and disposal
♣ Industrial pretreatment
♣ Enhanced nutrient removal upgrades
♣ Regulatory strategies and negotiations
♣ NPDES permitting
♣ Mechanical/electrical engineering

High density development, aging infrastructure, adequate capacity and adherence with more stringent environmental regulations are issues that many government, commercial and private companies are faced with in today’s environment. Our team’s in-depth experience includes the full range of services from feasibility studies, to construction of new facilities, enhanced nutrient removal to analysis of rate structures.

CE has also facilitated federal, state and local permitting requirements; developed design alternatives and rehabilitation plans; performed complex hydraulic modeling and analyses; conducted wetlands investigations, watershed protection studies, water supply studies, and diver inspections; developed environmental impact statements; and resolved hazardous remediation issues.
Our clients have come to rely on our breadth of expertise and our ability to keep even complex projects on schedule and within budget. We’ve achieved success in the industry because our professional staff of civil, sanitary, and process engineers; environmental scientists and other specialists work as a team to deliver interdisciplinary solutions to our clients’ needs.